Each patient is requested to take her identity card and pregnancy notes.

Prenatal tests in the first and second trimester within the National Health Fund Prenatal Test Programme are performed free of charge for pregnant women meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  • Women aged 35 and above (according to the birth year)
  • Previous pregnancy with a chromosome aberration of the foetus or child (e.g. trisomy 21,13 or 18, triploidy, Turner syndrome)
  • Detection of structural chromosome aberrations in a pregnant woman or father of a child (e.g. abnormal karyotype)
  • Determination of a much higher risk of giving birth to a child affected by a monogenic or multifactorial disease
  • Determination of an abnormal foetal ultrasound and/or biochemical test result during pregnancy indicating an increased risk of chromosome aberration or defect in the foetus

In case of pregnant women entitled to be included in the National Health Fund Prenatal Test Program, the patient must have the following with her on the date of examination:

  • Referral from the doctor providing prenatal care
  • Medical records if the reason for admission requires it (applies to all points above other than age)

Opening hours

pon.- cz. 8:00-20:00